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We forge ahead to get new knowledge!
13 September 2018

We forge ahead to get new knowledge.
In collaboration with Siemens Healthineers, Vadim Olegovich Panov has been invited to our clinic
- Candidate of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Senior Research Scientist of NN Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center RAMS.
In collaboration, a number of investigations have been performed and diagnostic challenges successfully met.
Panov Vadim Olegovich, Author and co-Author of more than 270 research publications, 5 patents, 1 novel medical technology.
Work experience 23 years. Majors in magnetic resonance imaging, development and use of MR contrast agents.
Address: Almaty, 45/1, Bukhar Zhirau, Bayzakova str.
Inquiry phone: +7 (727)220 70 70,+ 7 (727) 338 40