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A Second opinion service has become available in our medical center!
06 August 2018

Dear patients!
Long distances have long ago stopped being an obstacle to high-quality medical services. This is especially important when you need a Second opinion. In the world of medicine, a Second opinion means a competent authority who could confirm your diagnosis and treatment plan. Since May 2018, a Second opinion service has been available to Keruen-Medicus patients. It is a writing teleconsultation with a German professor.
How does a Second opinion service work:
A selected specialist will contact you via teleconsultation based on your medical records, investigations, tests, complaints and current condition. The consultation will result in a written conclusion or written “second opinion” treatment recommendations and answer to your questions given by a German professor.
When should you get a Second opinion:
- you may confirm you diagnosis without going to Germany;
- make sure your treatment is adequate;
- receive advice and recommendation concerning your treatment;
- learn about alternative treatment approaches;
- assess radiologic findings including MRI, CT, PET-CT.
Key medical disciplines:
- Gynecology;
- Urology;
- Gastroenterology;
- Neurology;
- Otolaryngology;
- Endocrinology;
- Orthopedics;
- Pediatrics;
- Neurosurgery and radiology;
- Oncology;
- Dermatology.
Who is your advisor:
Top-10 Professors of Germany. They include Jörg Falbrede (Gynecologist), Professor Dinko Berkovic (Gastroenterologist, Endocrinologist), Professor Martin Waltz (Visceral Surgeon), Professor Martin Scholz (Neurosurgeon), and other experts.
Cost of service is 120 000 KZT, Second opinion term is 5-7 days. After payment, Your personal advisor will contact you and help to choose all needed medical information to be translated into German, prepare and send the documentation and Your questions to a German specialist, translate their answer and give it to you in person. The written advice will be a key to a successful treatment.
Service is sponsored by GHP PULSE.