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Traumatology and orthopedics

Врачи и персонал


Bukhar Zhyrau, 45/1

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Service description

Trauma orthopaedists are highly qualified and provide the following services for adults and children:


•          Operative treatment of clavicle, shoulder, forearm, wrist, pelvic, hip, ankle and foot fractures, 

•          Closed reductions of clavicle, shoulder, forearm, wrist, pelvic, hip, ankle and foot fractures, 

•          Removal of hardware including plates, screws, bolts and pins

•          Diaplasis of traumatic dislocations

•          Plaster application, ScotchCast application

•          Joint US in children under 1 year old, US of the soft tissues for all ages

•          Conservative and operative treatment of congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia            

•          Conservative and operative treatment of clubfoot

•          Conservative and operative treatment of Larsen syndrome

•          Conservative and operative treatment of clubfoot and X-shaped extremity deformation

•          Conservative and operative treatment of congenital wry neck

•          Operative treatment of Nott disease, polydactyly and dactylion

•          Operative treatment of Dupuytren's contracture

•          Operative treatment of repetitive strain injury

•          Operative treatment of limb deformity

•          Operative treatment of malunions

•          Operative treatment of exostoses, osteomas

•          Joint puncture, introduction of medicinal agents in joints

•          Blocks in bone spurs and subacromial bursitis

•          Operative treatment of hallux valgus

Cost of initial consultation of trauma orthopaedist – 6 500 KZT

Первичный прием травматолога
13 000 тенге tenge
Пункции и лечение крупных суставов (тазобедренный, коленный, локтевой, плечевой)
9 300 тенге tenge
Закрытая репозиция отломков с последующей фиксацией гипсовыми повязками плеча
24 000 - 79 000 тенге tenge
Восстановление ПКС
537 300 тенге tenge
Лечебно-диагностическая артроскопия коленного, тазобедренного суставов, резекция менисков, артролиз удаление суставных тел, обработка суставных поверхностей (хондропластика) с помощью шейвера
от 218 000 тенге tenge
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