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Врачи и персонал


Bukhar Zhyrau, 45/1

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Service description

Patient admission in pediatrics is two-way: 

•          Children’s clinic:

            - Outpatient visit of pediatrician 

            - Follow-up of children from 1 to 3 years old by "Baby" and "Infant" programs

            - Pediatric nerve specialist consultation

            - Pediatric orthopedist consultation

            - Eye specialist consultation

            - Оtolaryngologist сonsultation

            - Immunization of children

            - Massage


•          Children’s in-patient clinic:

            -Respiratory disease management

            -Gastrointestinal disease management

            -Renal and urogenital disease management

            -Management and prevention of infectious disease  etc.

Cost of initial consultation of pediatrician – 7 500 KZT

Первичный прием
10 000 tenge
Повторный прием в течении 10 дней
7 500 tenge
Консультация педиатра-пульмонолога к.м.н. Наурызалиева Ш.Т.
14 000 tenge
Вызов на дом
24 200 tenge
Исследование слуха методом отоакустической эмиссии
9 800 tenge
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