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Bukhar Zhyrau, 45/1

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Service description

Otolaryngology outpatient procedures available:


•          Endoscopic methods to investigate ear, nose, pharynx and larynx

•          Anemisation, nasal toilet after operative treatment

•          Nasal irrigation by Proetz, vacuum-drainage

•          Maxillary sinus puncture

•          Irrigation of tonsillar lacunae 

             using Otopront TONZILOR apparatus

•          Ear toilet with gauze sponge insertion

•          Removal of a foreign matter form ear, nose, larynx and pharynx

•          Cut open boils, abscesses of ear, nose, larynx and pharynx

•          Novocain blocks of ear, nose, larynx and pharynx 

•          Temporary arrest of bleeding from ear, nose, larynx and pharynx 

•          Drug instillation

•          Eustachian tube inflation (Politzer maneuver)

•          Bacteriology smear sampling from ear, nose, larynx and pharynx

•          Rhinocytogram


Surgeries performed on ear, nose, larynx and pharynx include:


•          Ear ablation

•          Tympanoplasty

•          Sinus surgery

•          Nasal polypectomy

•          Removal of benign neoplasms of ear, nose, larynx and pharynx

•          Rhinoplasty

•          Vasotomy

•          Turbinotomy

•          Submucous resection of nasal septum

•          Adenotomy

•          Tonsillotomy

•          Tonsillectomy

•          Parotid fistula resection

•          Myringoplasty

Cost of initial consultation of otolaryngologist – 7 500 KZT

Первичный прием
10 000 tenge
Повторный прием в течении 10 дней
7 500 tenge
Диагностическая эндоскопия ЛОР органов
12 000 tenge
Промывание лакун небных миндалин
2 500 tenge
Промывание придаточных пазух носа методом перемещения жидкости по Пройцу
3 500 tenge
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