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Врачи и персонал


Bukhar Zhyrau, 45/1

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Service description

State-of-the-art equipment allows providing a wide variety of physiotherapeutic services:


•          Turbo Quartz  (UFO)

•          Inhaling

•          Ultrahigh frequency treatment

•          Electrophoretic deposition

•          Lymph drainage

•          IR laser

•          Ultrasound therapy

•          Oxygen therapy

•          Paraffin therapy;

•          Bioptron 

•          Bernard currents

•          Electrical cardioversion (vaginal/rectal)

•          Vaginal  electrophoresis 

•          Interferential current therapy

•          Electrosleep

•          Magnetotherapy

•          Intravascular laser blood irradiation

•          Massage for children under 1 year of age 

•          Massage for preschoolers

Initial consultation
7 500 tenge
Ultra-high frequencies
1 900 tenge
1 300 tenge
Drug electrophoresis
2 000 tenge
1 300 tenge
Drug inhalants
1 100 tenge
Electrostimulation (DDT, TENS, Amplipulse)
1 600 tenge
Electrostimulation with medicinal drugs
2 500 tenge
Tubus quartz therapy (UV)
1 100 tenge
Tubus quartz therapy (UV)
2 100 tenge
Laser therapy
1 900 tenge
Laser acupuncture
1 900 tenge
1 900 tenge
1 900 tenge
Fango application (paraffin-ozocerite mixture)
1 900 tenge
Lymph drainage
2 600 tenge
1 100 tenge
Oxygen therapy 15 minutes
1 200 tenge
Oxygen therapy 30 minutes
1 800 tenge
Oxygen therapy 30 minutes (homicile)
3 200 tenge
Leg massage (infants)
3 000 tenge
Massage in children under 1 year
4 800 tenge
Electrotherapy, vaginal, rectal
5 000 tenge
Electrotherapy, vaginal
7 900 tenge
Electrotherapy, rectal
9 900 tenge
Interferential current therapy
4 200 tenge
US therapy
4 200 tenge
Vaginal electrophoresis
5 400 tenge
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