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Bukhar Zhyrau, 45/1
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Service description
Dermatologist renders services including:
• Outpatients reception of adults and children
• Removal of neoplasms, vascular masses, excrescences and verrucae planae,
papillomata, keratomae, angiomata, condylomata, plantar dermatofibromas
• A Wood's lamp examination
• Dermatoscopy
• Microscopy of fungi and acarians
• Diagnosis and management of nail and hair disorders
• Cosmetic medicine
• Cryotherapy
• Machine cosmetology
Первичный прием дерматолога
10 000 tenge
Удаление лазером и кридеструкция
7 000 tenge
2 000 tenge
Жидкий азот
3 000 tenge